Harwinton Public Library

Click here for official website of Harwinton Public Library

Rev. January 2008 

The mission of the Harwinton Public Library is to provide the informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the citizens of Harwinton through the provision of an organized collection of print, multimedia, electronic resources, and cultural program offerings. This mission shall be met by the maintenance of a trained professional and staff support personnel.

Emphasis shall be placed on encouraging children to develop an interest in reading and learning by offering appropriate materials and programs and collaborating with the Region 10 school district educational programs. In addition, the Library will work to provide people of all ages with high-demand, high-interest resources in a variety of formats. In summary, the Library shall actively encourage the use of its materials, seek to keep residents informed of resources available, and foster the intellectual growth, character, and cohesiveness of the community.

The Library actively encourages the use of its materials, services and programs by all Harwinton residents. Programs, displays, art exhibits, sales and other special events are available throughout the year. Please click here for our calendar.

Board Members

Name Title
Naomi Toftness
Leslie A. Flowers Co-Chair
Becky Grieco
Everett Lyons
James Zasso
Arthur Potwin Co-Chair
Jamie O'Meara Cartwright
Paul Edwards
Deborah Janssens